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Teacher Leader
Instructional Positions
Cherry Creek School District is hiring for over 200 jobs! Click HERE for more information.
Pre-K-12 Teacher Positions
27J Schools: Current Openings 27J Schools is home to the 4-day work week. Located in the north Denver metro area in Brighton, Commerce City, and Thornton, close to Denver, DIA, and Boulder, with over 15,000 students, 27J is one of the fastest-growing Colorado school districts. Aurora Public Schools - Gateway High School: Current Openings
ESE Cross Categorical (2 positions)
Math (2 positions)
Campus Monitor (2 positions)
Harrison School District 2: Current Openings
Adams County School District 14: Elementary CLDE Teacher (Up to 2 positions) Work with the Administrative team at the school to improve student achievement by providing support, resources, and innovative ideas to the staff. Provide building and building level staff development as identified. Provide direct support to teachers including demonstration and modeling of a variety of effective practices, utilizing the full coaching model of support. Provide direct instruction to students.
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Adams County School District 14: ELD Instructional Coach This coaching position is a district-level coach in the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education department that will support schools in implementing specific bilingual models in schools. The coach will work with the administrative teams at assigned schools to improve student achievement by providing support instruction specifically for emerging bilingual students. Provide building and district level staff development as identified to meet the needs of Multilanguage Learners (MLLs). Provide direct support to teachers including demonstration and modeling of a variety of effective practices to meet the needs of all ELLs, utilizing the full coaching model of support.
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Adams County School District 14: ELD Teacher / Coach Provide culturally responsive instruction. Assist the District to develop and refine a systematic English language development curriculum. Deliver a comprehensive program of systematic instruction in oral language development; vocabulary development; written English Language conventions; and listening and speaking strategies and applications. Intentionally plan and schedule instruction to ensure that students meet or exceed the Colorado English Language Proficiency standards. Make language instruction (e.g., vocabulary, forms, and functions) comprehensible to English learners (ELs) so that students master the foundational skills to using all forms of language as tools for thinking, learning, and communicating. Manage a student centered classroom and utilize instructional time for teaching and learning using the gradual release of responsibility framework. Use assessment results to guide instructional decisions. Provide coaching support including planning, feedback, and modeling of instruction for the ELD Program in ACHS. Provide coaching support including planning, feedback, and modeling of strategies to support academic language during content instruction and on bridging languages. Support data teams to review the progress of English Language Learners in both English and Spanish.
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Florence Jr./Sr. High School and RE-2 is looking for dynamic secondary teachers for the 2021-22 school year
Construction Technology Teacher
Secondary English Teacher
Secondary Math Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Secondary STEM Teacher (7th-12th Grades)
Coaching opportunities
Open positions posted/Apply here: Jefferson County Schools: Evergreen High School Positions GREAT NEWS! Our Jeffco hiring freeze has lifted. If you or anyone you know is interested in joining our team at Evergreen High School, please check the Jeffco job board tomorrow. We are seeking an Athletic Director, Counselor, Instrumental Music Teacher (Band Director), and Vocal Music Teacher (Choir Director, piano/guitar). If you wish to be considered for any of these Evergreen High School positions, please apply within the next week (Athletic Director) to 10 days (Counselor, Band, Choir). GO COUGARS!
Roaring Fork Schools: English Language Development (ELD) Instructional Coach - Roaring Fork Schools is currently seeking applications for full-time ELD Coach to be shared between Basalt Middle School and Basalt High School. Under supervision of the Director of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education, the ELD Coach ensures alignment, consistency, and continuous improvement in all aspects of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education Programming for emerging bilingual students throughout the school day. APPLY HERE: