OUR Mission
To support aspiring and current Latino and Latina administrators and educational leaders by promoting best practices, professional learning, communication, and networking to support the growing Latino community.
OUR Vision
To have highly skilled and effective Latino and Latina administrators and educational leaders in P-20 education to ensure the success of all students.
Core Values
Vision, Leadership, Commitment, and Influential.
Cultural Value
Familia. Familia as a value speaks to our commitment to preparing educators to be competitive in seeking leadership positions through quality professional development, mentoring, and networking. When you become part of COALAS you become part of our family and we are committed to your success as an educational leader
Strategic Priorities
Priority 1: COALAS will be a recognized organization statewide.
Priority 2: COALAS will achieve financial stability (and accountability).
Priority 3: COALAS will increase the percentage of Latinx leaders at the school and district level.
Priority 4: COALAS will work to increase Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access across the state advocacy across the state.
OUR Goals
Effectively communicate our vision and mission.
Promote the organization to increase membership.
Work cooperatively with educational organizations to advocate for quality and equitable public education.
Provide regular updates about key educational issues
Increase support from corporate sponsors
Provide Members with opportunities for professional learning by sharing best practices.
Create learning opportunities regarding effective school/district administration and leadership.
Promote learning opportunities on effective instructional practices.
Develop leadership capacity to increase the number of under-represented educational leaders.
Mentoring opportunities for members.
Networking opportunities for members.
CO-ALAS Leadership

President: Teresa Barajas
Principal, Northglenn Middle School
Adams 12 Five Star School District

Secretary: Tracy Gallegos
Director of Equity and Inclusion
Mesa County Valley School District

President-Elect: Dr. Luis Murillo
Assistant Superintendent
Alamosa School District

CO-Chair: Dr. Ron Cabrera
Leadership Consultant
Executive Director, 4 Corners Leadership Academy

Executive Director: Don V. Rangel
Executive Director - Colorado Association of Latino/a Administrators and Superintendents
President/CEO DVR Educational Consulting Group Inc.
Superintendent of Schools (Retired)
Past President: Boris Costa-Guerra
Director of Activities
Denver Public Schools
CO-ALAS Delegates
Adams 12 School District
Aurora Public Schools
Boulder Valley School District
Cherry Creek School District
Denver Public Schools
Harrison School District
Jefferson County School District
Littleton Public Schools
Dr. Thomas Velazquez
Mesa County Valley School District 51
Northern Colorado Migrant Education Program
South Western Colorado Migrant Education Program
Summit School District
Thompson School District
Special Representatives
Dr. Doris Candelarie, University of Denver
Dr. Lora De La Cruz, Deputy Superintendent of Boulder Valley School District
Jesse Tijerina, Director of Federal Programs, Thompson School District