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May 2022 - Dr. Glenn McClain

Colorado Association of Latino/a Administrators and Superintendents


May 2022

May 2022 - Dr. Glenn McClain

Welcome to the CO ALAS Membership Spotlight. Each month we introduce you to one of our many CO ALAS members. Let’s see what they are doing and what’s on their mind!

This month we are featuring Dr. Glenn McClain, Superintendent of the Platte Valley School District, Weld Re-7 in Kersey, CO, who will be retiring at the end of May.

Glenn shares his professional career and current bio below. You can read the diverse experiences that have led to his various leadership roles. One of our shining stars!

Career Highlights & Education

Glenn holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts in Bible both from William Jennings Bryan College. After several years of working for small private colleges in the southeast U.S. in admissions, marketing, financial aid, and enrollment management, he came west to Colorado. He earned an MBA from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Glenn then went to work at the Platte Valley School District in Kersey, Colorado. He was hired as Business Services Director in 1991. In 1998 the board appointed him as Assistant Superintendent and then in August of 1999 he became Superintendent of Schools. Glenn has served on the Colorado Department of Education Financial Policies and Procedures committee for 6 years. He is a member of CASE, CASBO, ASBO, and AASA. Glenn also serves as the Colorado Local Educational Agency representative to the National Forum on Educational Statistics which is part of the National Center for Educational Statistics under the U.S. Department of Education. He is a member of the NESAC committee, communication subcommittee, the Performance Indicators task force and was co-chair of the K-12 Data Model project. Glenn has served as the chair of the Northern Colorado Superintendent's Council and past chair of the Colorado Association of School Executives Legislative Committee and the Colorado Commissioner of Education Superintendents Advisory Council. Glenn holds a doctorate in education from the University of Northern Colorado. His dissertation topic is the Essential Technical and Leadership Skills for School Business Officials. Recently, Glenn has been adjunct faculty for the University of Northern Colorado in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies department.

What is exciting about my job? I have had the great privilege of serving the Platte Valley community for 31 years, the last 23 as superintendent. This is a fantastic community made up of great students, families, teachers and staff. It is exciting to see success of students over the years in a variety of ways. Seeing students succeed in school, graduate, then pursue college or work, often returning to our community and become parents and be involved in school or become one of our teachers. Seeing the community support over the years that has allowed to improve learning and student achievement and the educational environment (facilities) has been immensely gratifying. I enjoy attending our many school events where you see students thrive and success, but graduation day is one of the best. It is the culmination of years of effort and learning.

I have been fortunate enough to pass five bond issues and four mill levy override elections which ahs lead to a quality learning environment for our students and staff. Resources make a difference. It makes a difference for staff members as they work with students and the students have a better attitude and are more receptive to learning. Success breeds success. When people have pride in their community and organization, great things happen.

Advice you would give a new superintendent or school leader: Seek a position where you fit and a position and community that fits you. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to find a district and community that match your personality, beliefs, philosophy and skills. I once read that you should hold the superintendency with “loose hands”, meaning because the position has such high turnover and often the issues that can affect employment are elusive, you should not “grasp” at the position. I always state that “I serve” the students and community. I believe strongly in the concepts of public service and servant leadership. The district and the community don’t owe you anything. We are fortunate and blessed to earn the compensation and benefits of this job, so don’t ever approach the job with a demanding spirit.

Monday May 9 will close out my board meetings at Platte Valley. I have been attending board meetings since June of 1991. I have only missed a couple of meetings, but I think I have had over 450 board meetings in the 31 years here. I am grateful to the current board of education and the preceding board for their support, cooperation, and leadership over the years. It has been an honor to lead such a fine public school system and community. As I began the superintendency here, I was asked to write a mission state for me as superintendent. Here is what I wrote, “To serve as the keeper of the sacred trust between the school board and community it serves. To serve as the leader of the Platte Valley School District, Weld Re-7 by guiding the faculty and staff in helping students to learn and succeed. My goal is to see students become continuous learners, thinkers, and good citizens as a result of their participation in the educational process provided by the Platte Valley School District.”

Through teamwork and cooperation with students, families, staff, faculty, administration, and board, I believe I have fulfilled my mission. I admonish you all to continue to believe the best in each other and seek to serve student by pursuing excellence for all.

If you catch me outside the office, you’ll find . . . Since I am retiring, I will have lots of time outside the office. I hope to continue to be engaged with public school leaders through work with CASE, CO-ALAS, the Colorado School Finance Project and teaching at the University of Northern Colorado. I would like to help current and future leaders to be successful and that students will benefit from their leadership actions.

I will also spend plenty of time enjoying the outdoors in Colorado and other place we will travel. There will be many places to travel. I will enjoy my family and visiting friends in these travels. I will have time to cook and have friends over and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

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